The Director of Settlement & Land Records is vested with the responsibility of preparation and maintenance of cadastral survey records as per provisions of Goa Land Revenue Code 1968. It is also revising and updating the land records. This work arises persuant to the orders of various courts in cases related to partition, conversion, re-survey, re-fixation, demarcation, amalgamation of S.No./Subdivision and correction under the Land Revenue Code. It is also dealing with land acquisition matters by way of preparation of plans and reports. Confirmation of holdings and mutation of properties in city areas, issuing of certified copies of plans/maps to public, disposing of cases under record of rights carrying out settlement operations for fixation of standard land revenue and calculation of assessment under Land Revenue Code and defending Government interest in Government lands before various Courts of Law are the other important functions of this Directorate. Recently, after carring out amendment to the Land Revenue Code and framing of rules, the Directorate has undertaken resurvey operations of the entire State of Goa for the limited purpose of updating the maps. This resurvey which commenced in April, 2004 will be carried out in a phased manner and completed in a year.

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